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This course deals with the structure and functions of the normal human body. This is essential for better understanding of deviations from normal.

This course exposes the student nurse to practical aspects and functions of each part of the human body. Physiology is imperative in enhancing the understanding of the course content.

This course is the foundation for the practice of nursing in home, community and health institutions and for further professional education which the student needs to apply throughout the whole programme

Microbiology is the study of both unicellular and simple multi-cellular microscopic organisms (micro-organisms). Medical microbiology is concerned with the study of those microorganisms-bacteria, viruses, parasites and fungi which are detrimental to the health of man, by their ability to produce disease. The study of microbiology at this level provides the student nurse the opportunity to acquire a broad knowledge about the different types of organisms, and their relevance in disease causation, as well as the application of microbiological principles in disease control.

English language is the official means of communication in Nigeria. This course is therefore designed to equip students with the knowledge and skills of proper use of English language to facilitate the attainment of sound academic standard, and enhance effective communication.

The course is designed to provide applied knowledge in physics for application in clinical nursing practice.

The course is designed to provide applied knowledge in physics for application in clinical nursing practice.

This course is designed to facilitate students understanding of concepts and principles in sociology. The relevance of these concepts and their influences on human behaviour in health and illness, are explored.

The increasing need for application of information communication technology (ICT) to all spheres of human endeavour makes it important that the nurse keeps abreast of ICT and its application to healthcare. The course is designed to introduce the student to ICT and its importance to healthcare delivery.


This course further exposes student to the normal structure, of respiratory, Digestive, urinary, integumentary system and endocrine system.

This course enhances the students’ understanding of the functions of respiratory, Digestive, urinary, integumentary system and endocrine system.

This course is designed to equip the student with the knowledge and skills in basic nursing procedures, aseptic techniques, injection safety and legal aspects of nursing.

The course exposes the students to the rationale for making healthcare available to all. It is designed to equip students with the knowledge, skills and attitudes essential for teamwork and to efficiently assist Individuals, families and communities in identifying, prioritizing and attending to their health needs in a responsible and sustainable manner.

This course is designed to provide information on the importance of pharmacology in nursing and the responsibilities of the nurse in drug administration. It equips the student with skills in understanding terminologies used in drug administration. Emphasis is laid on preparation and administration of drugs.

The students are posted to clinical areas for the first time where they meet trained nurses whose duties and responsibilities are to mentor the student nurse in acquisition of the desired clinical experience.

Nutrition, the science of food nutrients is a very vital aspect of health promotion and maintenance, management and control of health/illness, as well as restoration of optimal health functioning. A host of psychological, physical and socio-cultural factors that affect the nutritional and food habits of individuals, families and communities are discussed. Students of nursing need to understand, not only the components of food but also their various roles in health and illness as well as the various factors that affect the selection and eating of food. The knowledge of the principles of nutrition acquired from this course would be applied in the planning and preparation of therapeutic diets. This would be relevant throughout the entire training programme as part of the total care of clients in health and illness.

This course introduces the student nurse to the care of infants and children who cannot express themselves as to the level of seriousness of pain and associated signs and symptoms of diseases. The nurse with her vast experience in the care of patients utilizes her skills in the identification of such clinical manifestations for appropriate intervention.

This course is designed to facilitate students’ knowledge of concepts and principles relating to human growth and development. It will assist the students in understanding human behaviour and problems at each stage of development and their implications to nursing practice.


This course is designed to equip students with the knowledge of structure of reproductive and endocrine systems.

This course enhances the students’ understanding of the functions of the reproductive and the endocrine systems.

This course is designed to equip students with advance knowledge and skills in patient care and emergency resuscitation.

Medical-surgical nursing practice requires a wide range of activities of involves holistic care and is rooted in health promotion, disease prevention, health maintenance and restoration which may be carried out in community and institutional settings. The course is designed to equip students with knowledge and skill require for the care of patients with medical/surgical conditions.

Adult health problems require a wide range of skills to provide not only the necessary physical care but also psychological support. Hence the delivery of expert comprehensive care with understanding of the full impact of the disorder on the individual quality of life is very important. This course is therefore designed to equip student with knowledge and skill in the management of patients with problems of dermatological, digestive, genitor-urinary and respiratory systems.

This course is a follow-up to primary healthcare I and focuses on the implementation of the components (element) of primary healthcare as adapted by the country.

The course is designed information on national drug policy, pharmaco-vigilance and drug revolving fund. It also discusses the drugs used for conditions apart from systemic disorders.

The students are posted to clinical areas for the acquisition of the desired skills to competently practise safe nursing service delivery to client, family and society

This course highlights the use and importance of statistics in health care delivery. It introduces student to basic statistical principles and methods used in analysing and presenting data in an empirical study.

The study of research is an important means of achieving professionalism in Nursing. The course is designed to introduce the students to research concepts and serve as a motivating factor in developing interest in research. The course covers overview of research, introduction to nursing research and preliminary steps in the research process.

This course promotes acquisition of requisite skills in communication art. It further promotes mastery in the use of English language as a means of communication.


The course provides students with the knowledge of structure and functions of the nervous of structure and special senses.

This course enhances the students’ understanding of the functions of the nervous system and special senses

This course is designed to provide students with advance knowledge and skills in specialized nursing procedures and managements of Medical-Surgical emergencies.

The course is designed to provide students with information on selected conditions affecting the musculoskeletal, metabolic, endocrine, neurologic and cardiovascular systems. The course will cover the related anatomy and physiology, diagnostic procedures, nursing management of the disorders utilizing the nursing process and preventive measures of the selected conditions.

Reproductive health I is designed to expose the student to pertinent concepts in reproductive health factors influencing health status of women, obstetrical and gynaecological conditions. The knowledge and skills acquired will help the nurse to function effectively in meeting the reproductive health needs of clients in homes, health institutions and the community.

This course is designed to facilitate students’ understanding of concepts of mental health and mental illness and recognize the effect of social and human dynamics in the development of mental health problems. It also equips the student with the knowledge and skill to recognize mental health problems and manage appropriately.

This course is designed to equip the students with knowledge and rudimentary of entrepreneurship needed in nursing practice.

This course is designed to equip the students with the knowledge and skills to carry out independent nursing research as well as develop interest in dissemination of research findings.

This is to encourage student nurses to undertake research and present findings of such research in class to be moderated by a tutor in order to achieve the objective of scholarship.

This course equips the student nurse with the skill of promoting interpersonal relationship with the client and application of the Nursing process in clients’ care.

The students are posted to various communities in order to interact with the people, educate them on the prevalent disease conditions and how to identify such conditions based on the health education they give them and the need to report to the hospital for appropriate intervention.

The students are posted to clinical areas for the acquisition of the desired skills to competently practise safe nursing service delivery to client, family and society


NURSING is a health-care profession that focuses on the care of individuals, families, and communities in order for them to achieve, maintain, or recover optimal health and quality of life. MIDWIFERY is the health science and health profession concerned with pregnancy, childbirth, and the postpartum period (including newborn care), as well as women's sexual and reproductive health throughout their lives.