The main objective of the movement of Nursing Education into Colleges of Nursing in collaboration with National Board for Technical Education (NBTE) is to ensure that Nursing and Midwifery education in Nigeria, evolve in line with the National Policy on Education and the contemporary system of education in Nigeria. This is in order to give legal backing by the Federal Government to Nursing institutions for the award of ACADEMIC CERTIFICATES to Nursing graduates.
The ND/HND Nursing programme has been designed to allow for seamless academic progression of graduates along the already existing system of education in the country. It also takes cognizance of the new scheme of service for Nurses in Nigeria approved by the National Council of Establishment in 2016.
The main goal of the ND/HND Nursing programme is to prepare competent, skilled, polyvalent Nurse practitioners, versatile midwives and professionally knowledgeable public health Nurses who will use problem-solving skills in providing safe, acceptable, effective and affordable quality health services to meet the health needs of individuals, families and communities at all levels of care.
The ND/HND Nursing is a four-year UNINTERUPTED programme i.e 2 years for ND and 2 years for HND. Students starts with ND Nursing programme which is a non-terminal programme.
The ND Nursing graduates with minimum CGPA of 2.5 (Lower Credit) will then proceed for HND Nursing. Indexing shall be at the beginning of first semester of ND II. Students shall participate in Supervised Clinical Work Experience (SCWE) during the programme.
The SCWEs would be in two parts of eight weeks each. The first part of SCWE shall be between the end of ND I, while the second part shall be between the end of ND II. Stipend for SCWE shall be paid through Industrial Training Fund (ITF).
The SCWE shall be graded on a pass or fail basis. Where a student has satisfied all other requirements of the programme BUT FAILED SCWEs, he/she may only be allowed to repeat another four months SCWEs at his/own expenses.
Council’s Professional Exam for General Nursing shall be after successful completion of HND 1 Nursing. However, graduates of HND Nursing programme are required to sit for Council’s professional exam in either of the two options of specialization, namely: Midwifery for registration and licensing as Registered Midwife (RM) and Public Health Nursing for registration and licensing as Registered Public Health Nurse (RPHN).
HND graduates shall proceed for one-year mandatory Supervised Clinical Experience (Attachment) in an approved health facilities or institution and after successful completion of the one-year mandatory supervised clinical attachment, graduates shall be mobilized for a one year National Youth Service Corps (NYSC).
NURSING is a health-care profession that focuses on the care of individuals, families, and communities in order for them to achieve, maintain, or recover optimal health and quality of life. MIDWIFERY is the health science and health profession concerned with pregnancy, childbirth, and the postpartum period (including newborn care), as well as women's sexual and reproductive health throughout their lives.